IGNOU Re Registration Online

IGNOU Re Registration January 2025

At Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), students need to fill out the IGNOU Re-Registration form for the next semester or year depending on the program they are pursuing. Right now IGNOU re registration January 2025 is going on.

The students who are enrolled in two or three-year Undergraduate/Postgraduate programs need to apply for re-registration in the next year or semester.

Students of IGNOU University must re-register for the next year if they want to continue their studies without any gap.

They can re-register for the next year/semester, regardless of whether they have submitted all their previous assignments, appeared in term-end examinations, or completed all the courses of the first year/semester.

The students can also fill up the IGNOU Re-Registration form 2025 online, which has been explained below in this post.

What is the last date for IGNOU Re-Registration?

The last date for re-registration for all programs (except semester-based programs) for the January 2025 session has been extended until 31st March 2025, with a late fee of Rs. 200/-.

Note: This is a revised deadline, so make sure to complete the process before this date to avoid any penalties.

IGNOU Re registration for January 2025 Session

The last date for re-registration for all programs (except semester-based programs) has been extended up to 31st March 2025, with a late fee of Rs. 200/-.

Welcome to the Re-registration Portal! Here, you can submit your re-registration form for the next year/semester and make the online payment. This portal is open for both Indian and International students of the university.

Before proceeding, please read the following instructions carefully:

Important Instructions for IGNOU Re-registration January 2025:

  1. Registration on the Portal:
    • You will need to register on the portal. Please click the “New Registration” button to proceed.
    • Make sure to provide your correct mobile number and e-mail ID, as we will send you confirmation and other important updates only if we have your correct details.
    • If you are already registered, you can log in using your Username and Password.
    • If you face any difficulty in registering on the portal (e.g., not receiving OTP, forgetting Username/Password, or any other issues), please approach your Regional Centre for assistance in resetting your account or updating your email ID or mobile number.
  2. Choosing Courses:
    • Carefully choose your courses (wherever options are provided). Refer to your Programme Guide for details about the courses available to you.
    • Changing courses at a later stage may lead to a loss of time, affecting your studies.
  3. Online Payment Precaution:
    • Be cautious when making online transactions. Do not share your card details or OTP with anyone.
    • As far as possible, use your own card or net banking to make the payment. You can also pay through UPI, including the BHIM App.
    • Students in the International Division may use the online payment options available to them.
  4. Do Not Wait Until the Last Minute:
    • It is advisable not to wait for the last date to submit your re-registration form. Complete the process in advance to avoid any last-minute issues.
  5. Payment Issues:
    • If your online payment does not update immediately, do not make a second payment. Wait for 24 hours, check the payment status, and then decide on the next steps.
  6. Double Payment Refund:
    • In case you make payment twice for the same application, one of the payments will be refunded to your account.
  7. Using Third-Party Services (Cybercafé/Other Outlets):
    • If you are using third-party services (like a cybercafé or other outlets) to submit your re-registration form, make sure that the courses have been correctly selected, and the program fee has been paid successfully.
    • Obtain a printout of both the form submitted and the payment confirmation for your records.

Important Note:

Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid any issues with your re-registration process. If you face any issues, feel free to contact your Regional Centre for support.

Important Links:

Stay tuned for more updates and subscribe for the latest news!

IGNOU Hall Ticket Sep 2020 for June Exams

IGNOU Hall Ticket Sep 2020

The Indira Gandhi National Open University provides the IGNOU Hall Ticket or Admit card to its students to appear in the term-end examination, practicals or entrance test.

The exam will be conducted for final year or semester students only.

The IGNOU admit card Sep 2020 for June examination will be issued to only those students who has filled up the examination form for June 2020 exams.

Every year, students fill up application form to appear in June or December Term-End Examination for various programmes such as BA, BDP, B.Sc, MA. M.Sc., MBA, MCA, B.Ed, M.Ed, M.Com, MSW, BSW, BTS, MTM, DPE, B.Com, BCA, etc.

Now, this is the time for June 2020 examination.

As per latest IGNOU date sheet, the exam will be going to start from 17th September 2020. The university will publish the link on its official website to download the IGNOU Hall Ticket Sep 2020 one week before the commencement of examination for all the students who have to appear in examinations.

IGNOU TEE Hall Ticket Sep 2020

The hall ticket for IGNOU Sep 2019 term end examination (TEE) will be issued by controller of examination, Indira Gandhi National Open University.

www.ignou.ac.in is the official website of university where students can directly download their admit card.

The hall ticket is issued for the exams which are conducted by the university in every six months. These are known as Term End Examination.

The university conduct these exams for Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Diploma, Certificate, Professional, Ph.D, etc. All these exams will be descriptive type.

The separate hall ticket is issued for practical examination which are conducted after the theory exams got finished.

The exams will be conducted from 17th Sep 2020 to 16th Oct 2020. The mode of examination is offline only. IGNOU TEE Hall Ticket Sep 2020 will be issued in the second week of September.

At Official website of IGNOU, the students will be able to download hall ticket at following URL: http://www.ignou.ac.in/ignou/studentzone/results/6

Who is eligible to download IGNOU Hall ticket Sep 2020?

Students who have filled up online exam form and submitted the assignments for UG, PG and all other programmes will be able to appear in the term end exam June 2020.

The information about conducting of December and June examination is provided by university in its yearly prospectus. Also, it is update by university on its official website. The notification about filling of Ignou exam form June 2020 was published in month of March 2020.

Important Dates Regarding IGNOU Hall Ticket Sep 2020

Date of Issue of June Exam Notification 2nd September 2019
IGNOU Exam Form Submission Start Date 1st March 2020
Closing Date of Online Ignou Exam form submission 31st July 2020
IGNOU Sep 2020 Term End Exam Date From 17th Sep to 16th Oct 2020
Issue of Hall Ticket / Admit Card Click here
Ignou Result June 2020 Term End Exam 2nd -3rd Week of December 2020

How to download IGNOU Admit Card Sep 2020 from official website?

  • Please visit the website : www.ignou.ac.in
  • Then follow the path : Home > Student Support > Student Zone > Results > Hall Ticket/ Admit Card
  • Here the university publish the link to download the latest examination hall ticket. You can click on the link here to download your admit card or hall ticket for Sep 2020 term end examination.
IGNOU Assignment Cover Page / Front Page

IGNOU Assignment Front Page Format

IGNOU Assignment Front Page

IGNOU Assignment front page is very important page. It is required by students to attach in front of their solved assignments which has to be submit at the study centre concerned. It contains the useful information like Student’s Name, Enrollment Number, Address, Course Title, Course Name, Study Centre, Date, etc.

To avoid any confusion among students like how to make IGNOU assignment cover page, the university has provided certain guidelines to design front page of IGNOU assignments. So, every student should follow that and make front page as per guidelines.

To make it easy for the students, we have uploaded IGNOU assignment front page format doc on our website. Students have to just download it and take print out of it. They have to fill up required information on it as we mentioned at the start of this article.

Importance of IGNOU Assignment Cover Page

It is mandatory for all the students of Indira Gandhi National Open University to write solved assignments for all the required courses. Without passing the assignments, the associated course cannot be completed. The assignments constitutes 30% marks in the total marks of any course which requires assignment submission.

The students must fill up all the details on the cover page and also they should attach it in front of assignment. Because, if the assignment get lost for some reason,  then it will be difficult for the IGNOU faculty to find it which in result lead to no assignment submission status for the student.

Therefore, it is strongly recommend to all the IGNOU students that they should write correct information on IGNOU assignment front page to make it relevant.

IGNOU Assignment cover page design download

Below, we have provided the link to download cover page of IGNOU assignments. So, click on the link mentioned below to download it:

IGNOU Date Sheet June 2018

IGNOU Date Sheet Dec 2019

IGNOU Date Sheet Dec 2019 of BDP, BA, B.Sc., B.Com, M.Com, MEG, B.Ed, MBA, BBA, BPP, BCA, MCA, MA, M.Sc.

The Indira Gandhi National Open University has published the link on its official website for students to download the IGNOU Date Sheet Dec 2019 for theory examination. The examination will be conducted for the various programmes such as Under Graduate (Bachelor’s Degree), Post Graduate (Master Degree) , Diploma, Certificate, Advanced Diploma,etc. on its official website.

Details of IGNOU Date Sheet Dec 2019 Time Table

As per the latest date sheet, the university will conduct the examination from 2nd Dec 2019. Students will be able to fill up Ignou online exam form from 4th September 2019.

The university has already published the tentative time table / date sheet for the upcoming term end exams. The IGNOU Date Sheet Dec 2019 has been already uploaded by the university on its official website at www.ignou.ac.in.

The university conducts the Term End Examination for most of the programmes in the months of June and December i.e twice in a year.

Related Articles: Also, read about Ignou result

IGNOU Practical Date Sheet Dec 2019

Students will be able to download IGNOU practical date sheet later in the month of Dec 2018. The university will conduct the practical examination for the following courses: BCA, MCA, CIT, M.Sc. (MACS), PGDAST.

Download IGNOU Date Sheet of December 2019 Term End Examination

The university publishes the tentative date sheet June or December for theory examinations almost 4 months before the commencement of it.

This help the students in setting up their exam preparation schedule. They get a fair idea about the exam dates and they can do the time management to prepare for the upcoming exams.

The students have enough time for exam preparation and they come to know that how many holidays are there between the exams so that they can prepare accordingly.

Sometimes, this tentative exam date sheet will be made final without any change to it. So, we advise students to check the final date sheet ten days before the commencement of examinations.

For the student’s convenience, we have published the direct link and steps to check the latest IGNOU Date sheet Dec 2019 on the official website.

To check the date sheet for all the programmes mentioned above, Please click on the link mentioned below:

How to download IGNOU Date Sheet from official website?

  • Please visit the university website at www.ignou.ac.in
  • Then follow the path : Home -> Student Support -> Student Zone -> Downloads -> Pre-Exam Information
  • Here the university publishes the latest exam date sheet.
  • You can click on the link here to download the date sheet for all the IGNOU Programmes.
  • Save it to the computer or mobile device. You can also take print out of it to check it again in future.
IGNOU Result December 2017

IGNOU Result Dec 2019 Grade Card

Ignou Result Dec 2019

The Indira Gandhi National Open University will declare Ignou result December 2019 after 45 days from the date of last examination. Earlier, the university had conducted the examination in the month of December in both morning as well as evening shifts.The examination had been conducted for the various programmes and courses.

IGNOU Early Declaration Result Dec 2019

As soon as the exams will get finish, the university publishes the Ignou early declaration result for the students who applied for it before the start of examinations.

There are few too many students who apply for early declaration of their results because of the urgent need of mark sheet. But there are certain rules and guidelines to fill up application form for it.

Please read them carefully before filling up the application form.

Later on the results for all the remaining students will be published by the university for all the courses. The students will be able to check their results on the university official website at www.ignou.ac.in.

IGNOU TEE Result Dec 2019

The students who appeared in the recently concluded December examination had already started to search for their examination result on the internet. They will be able to check their term end results in the second or third week of February on its official website.

As soon as the result will be declared by the university, we will publish the link on our website so that you can easily check your results.

The university conducts the term examinations in the month of June and December for various programmes such as  Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Certificate, Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma, Advance Diploma, Certificate, etc. The number of students who have appear in these exams are always huge in number. The Term End Examination is also abbreviated as TEE.

The university had earlier conducted the term end examinations in the month of Dec 2019 for various programmes and the result for all these had been declared as well.

Some of these programmes are as follows : BDP, BA, MA in (English / History / Public Administration / Sociology / Political Science / Education/ Hindi/ Philosophy / Psychology / Economics, B.Sc., B.Com, Bachelor of Computer Applications(BCA),Bachelor of Education(B.Ed), Bachelor of Social Work(BSW), BSCN, BBA, BTCM, BTME, BPP, Master of Commerce (M.Com), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Arts in Rural Development (MARD), Master of Arts in Tourism Management, Master of Computer Applications (MCA), Master of Social Work (MSW), etc.

How to check IGNOU Result December 2019 on official website?

  • The students need a working computer or mobile device with internet connection so that they can open up the website www.ignou.ac.in.
  • Then You have to click on the “Student Zone” link available under the “Student Support” menu in the top menu which will redirect to new page where you will find the “Results” link.
  • Click on this link and it will be redirected to new page where all the latest results has been published by IGNOU for various examinations such as Entrance, OPENMAT, Term-End, On-Demand Exam, Grade Card, Revaluation.
  • Here you have to click on the “Term-End” link and it will open up a new web page where all the latest term end theory exam results are listed. Click on the required result link and enter your 9 Digit Enrollment Number to check your result.

we wish you best of luck for your upcoming results !!!!